(Image from CANVA)

Making customers wait in line is an inevitable part of business operations. Although some businesses still use the traditional type of queueing, many businesses today choose to leave the traditional type of queueing behind and provide their customers with various customer flow solutions.

Modern and more convenient types of queueing require the customers to collect their queue tickets first. To streamline this process, companies facilitate customers with various ways to get their queue tickets.

1. Ticketing Kiosks

(Image from CANVA)

Many businesses offer ticketing kiosks as a way for their customers to get their queue tickets and check-in. These machines are usually located near security checkpoints or entrances. Businesses prefer ticketing kiosks as the main channel for check-in because implementing these machines can bring many advantages, including preventing bottlenecks and automating the customer allocation process so that customers can be placed with the most qualified staff to address their inquiries. As for customers, ticketing kiosks enable them to check in quickly and independently as these machines are user-friendly. With ticketing kiosks, customers also do not have to interact with staff, which saves them a lot of time and eliminates the chance of miscommunications during the check-in process.

2. Virtual Queueing (QR Code)

(Image from CANVA)

Nowadays, virtual queueing is the most preferred method to get queue tickets and check-in. Virtual queueing can either be a substitute for the ticketing kiosks or be a complement to them so that businesses can provide customers with the flexibility to check-in. Virtual queueing enables the customers to get queue tickets and check-in simply by scanning a QR code using their own mobile devices. Virtual queueing gives extra advantages for both customers and businesses. For customers, choosing virtual queueing enables them to actively wait off the premise and keep track of their queue status from their devices. As for businesses, implementing virtual queueing will help bring them to the next level by enabling them to deliver outstanding customer experience, improving brand image, boosting customer satisfaction levels, and eliminating hardware costs.

3. Concierge Service

Concierges are staff that is typically located near entrances or moving around the floor to attend to customers’ various needs, including helping customers get queue tickets and check-in, answering questions, and providing directions. Concierge service is intended especially for customers who are not familiar with either ticketing kiosks or virtual queueing and are unable to get queue tickets or check in via either of those methods.

It is important for businesses to provide their customers with options to check in to the queue. Not only does it show that businesses care about their customers and their expectations, but it will also help eliminate queue congestions and streamline customer flow. Finally, it will have a positive impact on customer experience.

Introducing SMARTQUEUE®: A User-Friendly Queue Management System that Has Flexible Check-In Capability

(Image from CANVA)

As a queue management system that focuses on customer care and supporting business growth, the SMARTQUEUE® Customer Experience Solution is a market leader. To eliminate queue congestions and streamline customer flow, SMARTQUEUE® offers omnichannel check-in for customers.

For off-premise check-in, SMARTQUEUE® enables customers to book appointments beforehand through an online appointment booking system, which can be accessed at any time and anywhere through your business’s website or mobile apps. For on-premise check-in, SMARTQUEUE® enables customers to use any of the following options:

Self-Service Ticketing Kiosks

Customers can use this option to independently check in at the location by picking a service menu option on one of these kiosks and getting a ticket as well as their service details. SMARTQUEUE®’s ticketing kiosks are also capable of facilitating the link from the user account to the ticket, as this solution can handle customer database integrations. Therefore, customers can also check in simply by scanning their ID card or member card, their fingerprint, or manually entering their data on the kiosk’s touch screen.


Customers who cannot check in independently and need a little extra assistance can choose this option. Using the company’s tablet devices, the mobile concierge staff may provide them with a more personalised on-the-spot service.

– Virtual Queue

This option enables touchless check-in for customers. To obtain queue tickets and check-in, customers simply need to scan a QR code or manually enter their data into their own mobile devices. It is the perfect option for customers who want to attend to their other errands while waiting for their turn to be served. SMARTQUEUE®’s virtual queue also provides customers with informative details, including their queue status, how many people are ahead of them in line, and the estimated waiting time. That information can be accessed from their mobile devices. Implementing SMARTQUEUE®’s virtual queue is also beneficial for businesses as it can minimise queue congestions, streamline customer flow, and enhance customer experience.

Find out all the details about SMARTQUEUE® here or contact us at info@bss.com.au for further inquiries!

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2022-08-19 09:02:00


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